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1.1. The subject of this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is the relationship between "TURON MEDIA" PE, legal address: 100128, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Shaykhontokhur district, Labzak, adjacent to house 22, a legal entity registered and operating under the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is the administrator of the website and the CINERAMA portal (hereinafter referred to as the "Portal") and "User" (hereinafter referred to as the "Online

1.2. Any individual who uses the Online Content on a paid basis after registering on the Portal is recognized as a user.

1.3. The Administrator, when concluding the Agreement, is guided by the presumption that the User has the necessary skills to work on the final equipment.

1.4. Online Content provides Users with the ability to view and/or listen to the Content, as well as the ability to use other services in real time through the Website and/or Portal, accessible on devices connected to the Internet (hereinafter referred to as "Devices").

1.5. Content is audio-visual, musical works, phonograms, videograms and other materials, access to which is provided to Users through the Portal.

1.6. This Public Offer and its Appendix are developed on the basis of the Regulations for the provision of telecommunications services, approved by the order of the Minister for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 30, 2020 No. 208-mh (MY dated June 30, 2020 No. 3275).



2.1. The User's use of the Portal, any of its services, viewing and/or listening to the Content means the User's unconditional consent to all points of this Agreement, all its amendments and additions, and unconditional acceptance of its terms. In case the User disagrees with any of the terms of this Agreement, the User is obliged to refuse further use by the Portal.

2.2. The User undertakes to use the Portal only for personal non-commercial purposes, to comply with the terms of this Agreement, and not to violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Administrator and/or Content holders.

2.3. The User undertakes to familiarize himself with the terms of this Agreement and independently monitor their changes. Continuing to use the Portal by the User after any changes and/or additions to the Agreement implies the User's consent to such changes and/or additions. The User's ignorance of the current terms of the Agreement does not exempt the User from the obligations stipulated in the Agreement, as well as from liability for their non-performance and/or improper performance.

2.4. The user is obliged to:

2.4.1. To familiarize oneself with tariff plans and other accompanying information before using the Services;

2.4.2. Maintain the positive balance of the Personal Account by making the necessary advance payments on time;

2.4.3. Timely inform the Administrator about the occurrence of malfunctions;

2.4.4. Take appropriate organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring the protection of information resources, preventing the dissemination of information containing calls for violent changes to the constitutional order, propaganda of war, violence and pornography, inciting religious and national discord, infringing on human honor and dignity, and other information prohibited by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

2.4.5. The user may also have other obligations in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

2.4.6. Responsible for regular checking of changes in the portal. Continuing to use the services after 15 (ten) calendar days after the notification of the change in the current provisions of the Agreement and its Appendices shall be considered as an unconditional consent to them.

2.5. The user hereby confirms that he has reached the minimum age allowed in the country for viewing the relevant Content and for the possibility of paying for viewing the Content in the cases provided for by the Administrator.

2.6. The user guarantees that when using the Portal, he will not and will not perform any actions aimed at circumventing the technical means of protection against unauthorized use of the Online Content, viewing/listening, copying the Content, as well as any other actions aimed at changing the functional characteristics, destabilizing the work of the Portal.

2.7. The user has the right to:

2.7.1. To choose the payment method of the Portal tariff entirely at your discretion;

2.7.2. Submit claims in accordance with the Agreement;

2.7.3. Change the Tariff/Tariff Plan;

2.7.4. Obtain detailed information about the history of payments, write-offs and the balance of funds on the Personal Account (only by notifying the Administrator about this within a working day).

2.7.5. The user may have other rights provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



3.1. The Administrator shall:

3.1.1. To open to the User access to the Online Cinema in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the Agreement;

3.1.2. Take the necessary organizational measures to protect the User's personal data and comply with other requirements established by law to ensure the confidentiality of information about the User;

3.1.3. To notify the User of the tariff change in the price list by posting information on the official website at least 15 days before the changes come into force;

3.1.4. Notify the User of the planned technological work, indicating the date and time of the start of the work and its duration, at least 24 (twenty-four) hours before the start of the work, on the portal;

3.1.5. Accept the User's online applications for device malfunctions and fulfill the received applications within 72 hours from the moment of receipt of the application, if circumstances of force majeure do not prevent this;

3.1.6. Placing an announcement on the portal is undoubtedly the Administrator's due fulfillment of the User's obligation to inform.

3.2. The administrator has the right:

3.2.1. Apply any actions that do not contradict the applicable laws applicable to the Agreement, in order to prevent unauthorized access to the Portal, the Content placed on it, destabilization of the Online Content and other actions that violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Administrator and/or Content holders;

3.2.2. Provide loyalty programs, promotional offers, as well as incentive offers for Online Content Users, with more detailed information about which you can familiarize yourself in the interface of the Online Cinema and/or the User's account;

3.2.3. At any time, cancel partially or completely the amount of the User's bonuses at his discretion and without explaining to the latter the reasons for such actions;

3.2.4. Modify and supplement the Agreement, loyalty program terms, gift availability, Content access requirements, etc., at your discretion, at any time by placing an announcement on the Portal at least 15 (ten) calendar days before the changes come into force;

3.2.5.To refuse to provide services until the User has paid 100% of the initial payment or monthly subscription fee for services; 



4.1. In case of non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Party that committed the violation shall be liable in accordance with the applicable legislation applicable to this Agreement. A Party guilty of non-performance and/or improper performance of its obligations under this Agreement shall be obliged to compensate the other Party for all documented losses caused by such non-performance and/or improper performance.

4.2. The Administrator shall have the right at any time to suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to the Portal or its individual services, including, but not exclusively, if the User violates the terms of this Agreement, the applicable legislation applicable to this Agreement, and if the Administrator has grounds to believe that the User's actions are unfair, aimed at violating the functionality of the Portal and/or the rights of the Administrator and/or the right holders, which may lead to a violation of the legitimate interests of the Content, damage In the event that the termination/restriction/suspension of access to the Online Content is due to the fault of the User, including as a result of the above actions, the funds paid by the User for access to the paid Content shall not be refunded. The Administrator is not liable for any damages that may be caused to the User by such actions.

4.3. The user is independently responsible for their actions related to the use of the Online Content.

4.4. The user understands and agrees that:

4.4.1. Access to the Portal, including the Content, and other services, is provided "as is," and the Administrator does not guarantee their compliance with the expectations of the User;

4.4.2. When activating the "Auto-renewal" function in the payment section for any tariff in the Portal, the corresponding amount of this tariff will be debited monthly from the User's account until the activated function is disabled by the User until the deadline for debiting the amount;

4.4.3. In case of loss of access to the personal account, the "Auto-renewal" function can be disabled by the Administrator from the moment of the User's application to the Administrator within half of the working day and only if the User's personal data is provided. The User's financial statements for the past days from the moment of Auto-renewal activation are mandatory and this process will be completed by the Administrator within the above-mentioned period;

4.4.4. When a personal account is filled out from third-party applications (for example, Payme), the process of cancellation of payment can be carried out and the corresponding amount can be returned by the Administrator to the same personal account, but only with the help of a notification from the User about this within an hour after payment;

4.4.5. The Administrator is not responsible to the User for the content of the Content or other information posted by the Administrator in the Online Content. The right holders are fully responsible for the content of the Content;

4.4.6. The Administrator is not responsible for any technical malfunctions, delay in processing or transmitting data, delay in receiving payments for paid access to the Content, and the safety of the User's login and password. The Administrator does not guarantee the faultless and uninterrupted operation of the Portal and by default is not responsible for any damage caused to the User by hardware or software failures on any side.

4.5. The Administrator is not responsible for:

4.5.1. For losses incurred by the User as a result of using the Services without the fault of the Administrator;

4.5.2. For malfunctions that do not belong to the Administrator, including the termination of the signal due to the lack of electricity on the main lines;

4.5.3. In cases where the Service is not provided to the User for a long time due to technical reasons and force majeure, with a duration of less than 60 (sixty) minutes;

4.6. The user is responsible for:

4.6.1. For fulfilling their obligations in accordance with the current legislation;

4.6.2. For all illegal actions committed using services, as well as their consequences.

4.6.3. To maintain confidentiality and protect your authentication data from third parties, as well as for the consequences that may arise due to the disclosure and/or unauthorized use of authentication data.

4.7. Terminate the provision of services to the User, with the termination of the contract in a unilateral manner, in the following cases:

4.7.1. Violation by the User of the Agreement and its Appendices;

4.7.2. Using the services received for illegal or commercial purposes;

4.7.3. Detection of fraud or attempts of fraud by the Subscriber.

4.8. In case of termination of the Agreement on the grounds specified in this paragraph, the funds remaining on the User's personal account shall be recognized by the Parties as a penalty for violating the User's Terms of Service and shall not be returned to the User.

4.9. Any information that contradicts the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan should not be transferred.

4.10. To restrict the provision of the Services or terminate the contract in case of detection by the Administrator of information about the debts under the contract.

4.11. The administrator may have other rights provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

4.12. The Administrator is obliged to provide the User with information and advice on how to use the Services, however, the Administrator is not responsible for the User's actions if they do not correspond to the information provided and the Admin's advice.

4.13. The User is independently responsible for the content, reliability and legitimacy of the information transmitted by the User using the services.



5.1. Subscription Access - means the provision by the Administrator to the User of access to the Content units specified by the Administrator, within the validity period of Subscription Access in accordance with the rules, restrictions and technical requirements specified in this Agreement.

5.2. If the provision of services is interrupted without the fault of the User, the Administrator extends the validity period of the subscription fee for the corresponding period.

5.3. To calculate the calculation period, the individual date of write-off is set on the day of connection. In case of discontinuation of the provision of the Services, including due to untimely payment for the Services, the Individual date of withdrawal shall be shifted to the date of re-connection after payment for the Services.

5.4. Services are paid in national currency. The Administrator is not responsible for the timely transfer of bank transfers to the User that have arrived at the Administrator's account with payment details that do not allow to clearly determine the User and the contract to which the payment was made.

5.5. Paid access to the Content can be provided to the User, provided that such a User pays a corresponding fee for the paid access to the Content, unless otherwise provided by the loyalty programs, promotion conditions and similar ones.

5.6. Paid access to the Content may have different costs The cost of paid access to the Content, payment methods and other conditions are specified in the relevant sections of the Portal interface.

5.7. Payment for the service to provide the User with access to paid content (on the terms of subscription, rent, purchase, is made in UZS and only through payment systems available on the Platform. The list of accessible payment systems is established by the Administrator independently at his discretion and can be changed by the Administrator at any time without notification of the User.

5.8. The administrator may impose restrictions on access to the Paid Content from multiple devices at the same time.

5.9. After the expiration of the paid access period for viewing the Content, such Content becomes inaccessible to the User.

5.10. The remaining funds on the personal account will be canceled in favor of the service if they are not used within 90 days.

5.11. When paying with bank cards, the refund is made only to the card with which the initial payment was made, and only in agreement with the Administrator.

5.12. Paid Content can only be accessed on three Devices at a time.

5.13. The list of Paid Content available for subscription, rent, purchase, as well as the Content for free viewing can be modified by the Administrator at any time without notice to the User.

5.14. In case of termination of access to services, the Administrator is not responsible for notifying or not notifying any third parties about the denial of the User's access to services and for possible consequences arising as a result of such a warning or its absence.



6.1. The legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the relevant personal information and the specific context in which we collect it.

6.2. However, we will, as a rule, collect personal information only from you if we need personal information to fulfill the contract with you; if the processing meets our legitimate interests and does not violate your rights; if we have your consent for this.

6.3. We have a legitimate interest in using our Services and communicating with You as necessary to provide these Services, such as responding to Your requests, improving our platform, conducting marketing activities, and for the purpose of detecting or preventing illegal actions.

6.4. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you or require other personal information to protect your interests or the interests of another person.

6.5. If we ask you to provide personal information in accordance with the requirements of the law or this Agreement, we will clarify this at the appropriate time and inform you whether providing your personal information is mandatory or not (and we will inform you of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information).



7.1. You can access other third-party services through the Services, for example by clicking on the links to these third-party services in the Services. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices of these third-party services, and we recommend that you carefully read their privacy policies.

7.2. The user, when using the Portal, undertakes not to place in it and not to use it for the purposes of receiving, sending, distributing through/through the Portal the following Information:

7.2.1. Defamation, insulting, defaming/humiliating the honor and/or dignity of third parties, containing threats;

7.2.2. Violating the rights and legally protected interests of third parties;

7.2.3. Violating the rights of citizens to privacy and public order;

7.2.4. Promoting discrimination against people based on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social status, or other characteristics;

7.2.5. Facilitating and/or calling for a change in the constitutional order, war, religious, racial or interethnic strife, containing attempts to foment hostilities or calls for violence, infringing on the rights of minorities;

7.2.6. Containing pornographic materials or other materials that offend morality;

7.2.7. Containing extremist materials;

7.2.8. Offending the religious feelings of citizens;

7.2.9. Defamation of the Portal Administration and third parties' business reputation;

7.2.10. Information of a "order" nature, i.e. Information created in the interests of others that does not correspond to the purposes of creating the Portal;

7.2.11. Not to place on the Portal and not to send anywhere through/through the Portal any other information that does not comply with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan / or the Agreement;

7.2.12. Not to disseminate on the Portal and/or through the Portal computer viruses or other computer codes, files or programs intended to violate, modify, block the destruction or restrict the functionality of any computer or telecommunication equipment or programs for unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers of commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for unauthorized access to the Portal, as well as to paid resources in the Internet;

7.2.13. Not to disrupt the normal operation of the Portal;

7.2.14. Not to distribute and/or use any computer programs, robots ("spiders") or other automatic algorithms and methods aimed at "taking out" (collecting), illegal transfer, copying, blocking, modifying, destroying the Information and Databases, as well as aimed at circumventing the restrictions established by the Portal Administration in the Portal settings;

7.2.15. Not to post or otherwise use on the Portal Information protected by intellectual property law (including but not limited to Information affecting patents, trademarks, copyright and/or related rights) and other legally protected Information without the relevant rights and permission of the right holder of such Information. In the event of a dispute situation, the burden of proving that the information posted by the User does not violate anyone's rights lies on such a User;

7.2.16. Not to place and disseminate advertising on the Portal without obtaining the prior consent of the Portal Administration;

7.2.17. Not to collect, store, disseminate and otherwise process the Personal Information of other Users;

7.2.18. Not to post links to other Internet resources on the Portal, the content of which contradicts the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and / or the Agreement;

7.2.19. Not to distribute on the Portal and/or through the Portal "happiness letters," Internet earnings systems, "pyramid" schemes, multi-level marketing, e-mail - businesses and other Spams;

7.2.20. When registering on the Portal, not to provide false personal information, not to register and not to act on behalf of another real or existing person on the Portal, not to provide personal information of third parties, not to use any forms and methods of illegal representation of third parties;

7.2.21. Not to commit acts through the Portal aimed at extortion or obtaining money, regardless of the pretext, from other Users and / or third parties;

7.2.22. Not to promote and incite the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances, not to engage in prostitution through the Portal;

7.2.23. Not to facilitate the commission and/or use the Portal to commit other unlawful, illegal actions that contradict the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and/or the Agreement.

7.3. The Portal administration may, at its discretion, refuse to place, delete and/or edit the Information posted by the User on the Portal, if it does not relate to the topic of discussion and/or is of a negative nature.

7.4. Portal administration provides the User with the opportunity to place information on the Portal and use the Portal services. Also, the Portal Administration is not responsible for the reliability and legality of the information posted by Users on the Portal.

7.5. The Portal Administration does not verify and does not have the technical and factual ability to verify all the Information posted by the User on the Portal for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the provisions of the Agreement, as such verification makes it impossible to function on the Portal. However, the Portal Administration can do this at any time at its discretion in case of relevant doubts.

7.6. A reference to any website, product, service, any commercial or non-commercial information placed on the Portal by the User or in the right of advertising is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services) by the Portal Administration. 



8.1. is committed to protecting your information. For this purpose, we use various technologies and security measures designed to protect information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The measures we use are designed to ensure a level of security that corresponds to the risk of processing your personal information. However, keep in mind that the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

8.2. Termination of the contract does not release the parties from liability for its violation.

8.3. The damage caused shall be recovered from the guilty party in excess of the penalty and may include lost profit (unreceived income).

8.4. If the circumstances of insurmountable force from which the Administrator has suffered continue for more than 30 consecutive days, then he has the right to refuse to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement by placing the relevant information in the office and Portal.

8.5. In case of disputes related to the implementation of the Agreement, the Parties shall make all efforts to resolve them in pre-trial (claims) proceedings. In accordance with the law, the court expenses incurred by both parties shall be paid by the parties in proportion to the amount of the satisfied claims.

8.6. In case of any disputes or disagreements arising in connection with the implementation of the Agreement, the Parties shall apply all conditions for their resolution through negotiations between the Parties.

8.7. If disputes are not resolved through negotiations, the disputes must be resolved in the authorized court in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

8.8. The Agreement is indefinite and all its conditions shall be valid until one of the parties expresses a desire to terminate it in the manner stipulated in the Agreement.

8.9. The refund of monetary funds to the User shall be made by the Administrator by transferring to his plastic card or to his personal account on the Platform in the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



9.1. We store the personal information that we receive from you when we have a constant legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with the service you requested or to fulfill applicable legal, tax, or accounting requirements).

9.2. If we do not have a legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will delete it or anonymize it, or if this is impossible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), we will store your personal information securely and isolate it from further processing until it becomes possible to delete it.




10.1. If you are a registered user, you can access certain information related to your Account by accessing our Services (if applicable).

10.2. To protect your privacy and security, we may also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before updating or deleting your information. The information you provide may be periodically archived or stored by us in accordance with backup processes performed during normal activities for emergency recovery purposes. Your ability to access and rectify your information may be temporarily limited if access and rectify can: prevent from fulfilling its legal obligation; prevent from investigating, filing, and maintaining claims; result in the disclosure of personal information about a third party; or result in the breach of contract or disclosure of commercial secrecy or other commercial information owned by or a third party.



11.1. If you want to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, you can do so at any time by sending an email to

11.2. In addition, you can object to the processing of your personal information, request us to restrict the processing of your personal information, or request the transfer of your personal information. Again, You can exercise these rights by sending an email to

11.3. You have the right at any time to opt out of the marketing communications we send to You. You can exercise this right by clicking on the link "unsubscribe" or "reject" in the advertising emails we send you. To opt out of other marketing communications, please contact us at

11.4. Similarly, if we have collected and processed your personal information with your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of any processing we have carried out prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your personal information carried out on legal grounds of processing other than your consent.

11.5. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority regarding the collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority.

11.6. We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.



12.1. You may use some features of the Services without registration, thereby limiting the type of information we collect.

12.2. You can refuse to receive advertising letters. If you want to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of the letter. Even if you cancel your subscription, we may still contact you for information, transactional, account-related, or similar purposes.

12.3. Many browsers have the ability to disable cookies, which may prevent your browser from accepting new cookies or allowing the selection of cookies. Please note that if you choose not to accept cookies, some features and personalization of our Services may no longer work for you.



13.1. By registering and using the Services, you confirm that you are at least 13 years old and that you have reached the age of consent that allows you to enter into contracts in your country. deliberately does not collect information from children under 13 years old. If you learn that a child has provided us with personal information in violation of this Privacy Policy, you can notify us at



14.1. This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. All changes will be posted on our websites. If we materially change the ways in which we use or transfer personal information previously collected from you through our Services, we will notify you through our Services, by email, or otherwise.



15.1. If you have any questions or doubts about this Privacy Policy, please email us at


"TURON MEDIA" Private Enterprise

100128 Tashkent city, Shaykhantakhur district, Labzak massif, next to house 22

p/c: 2020 8840 3047 0002 001 "Ipak Yuli" Joint Stock Company, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

MFO: 00444 OKED: 61100 STIR: 300 808 829,

Director: Kodirov S.F.A